An introductory video to the LunaStat, a multi-function thermostat for underfloor heating, radiators or any other form of heating where multifunction temperature control is required. Watch our other video guides for more advice on how to use your thermostat!

A quick step-by-step guide to setting the clock on your LunaStat Thermostat.

A step-by-step guide to setting your temperature comfort levels on the LunaStat thermostat.

A step-by-step guide to adjusting the LunaStat’s Temperature, outside of the pre-set temperature settings – manually overriding the settings. Note: The changes only last until the next program time.

A step-by-step guide to holding the temperature for a set number of hours for one-off occasions.

Going on holiday? This is a step-by-step guide to setting the holiday mode on your LunaStat thermostat.

A quick-step guide to enabling frost protection on your LunaStat Thermostat.

A quick-step guide to locking your LunaStat from any accidental adjustments or tampering.

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